The Crack

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It had to be in the closet, but it was so packed with junk it’d take a week to just get to the bottom of it. “Great,” he said out loud, “I’m never going to find it in time.” After removing armfuls of junk, he finally found his squash racket, but in the darkness and cold, a sliver of light from the adjoining room shone through. He thought about it for a second, what was on the other side of the wall? Eureka! He realised with a smile creeping along his face, it was the women’s shower room. He dropped to his knees and peered into the small opening to see if he could make anything out. If he held his eye just at the right angle, he could see the lower part of adjoining room, but because these walls were cement block, he had about six inches of brick to look through, which really limited what you could see. Not wanting to take any more time, he hopped up and headed off to play his squash match. At Anadolu Yakası Escort eleven o’clock the next morning, Keith decided he had to find out exactly what part of the shower the crack in his closet was facing. Checking to make sure no one was milling around in the hall, Keith gingerly pushed open the door to the women’s shower room and listened for the sound of running water, voices, or anything else for that matter. Finding it empty he quickly entered the shower room. That’s when he saw it, the crack in the wall that led to his closet. “Holy shit,” he said excitedly, he could see almost the whole shower room, that is if he could knock out some brick so he could get his eye right up to the crack. Making sure no one was in the hall out side the shower room door, he slipped back out side and headed back to his room, and made some plans. That evening Anadolu Yakası Escort Bayan he turned his stereo up to hide the noise and got to work with a hammer and a cold chisel, two very simple tools, but necessary if he was to break away some of the concrete in his closet. Again, he went out into the hall first and opened the shower room door, checking that it was empty, before returning to his room to expand the opening on his side of the wall. It was noisy and dirty work, but in less than ten minutes he had successfully removed enough concrete so that he could get his eye right up next to the shower room side of the wall. After removing the debris, he got down onto the floor and looked through the crack. “My god,” he mumbled,” a perfect view of most of the room. Now all he had to do was wait. Keith stood outside his room looking as Escort Anadolu Yakası innocent as possible until he saw a tall lean redhead walking down the hallway to the shower blocks. Pretending he was leaving his room he passed her casually in the hallway and politely said, “Hi.” She casually returned the greeting and entered the shower blocks and Keith quickly doubled back to his room. Quickly getting into his closet he placed his eye to the crack and incredibly, not more than twenty feet away, he watched the red head calmly soap every inch of her body as she stood under the hot steaming jets of water. ‘I’ve died and gone to heaven,’ he thought to himself as she faced him while running her hand all over her soap filled pussy. ‘Jesus, she’s washing her cunt right in front of me, and she’s beautiful,’ he thought. Then, just as quickly as she arrived, she turned off the water and vacated the shower area, leaving him panting at what he had just witnessed. He had hoped it would be good, but instead it was excellent. He spent the next hour in his closet, but no more girls entered much to his dismay. After returning late the next night from a study session at the library, Keith went straight to the closet and assumed his position.

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