You Are Mine

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“I am going to claim you now.” The stranger told me after I opened the front door. That was all he said and I had no idea who is this fine man.“I beg your pardon?” I said, with confusion written across my face.“You heard me. You’re mine now. I’ve known it from the moment I laid my eyes on you. You. Are. Mine!” He enunciated those three words very slowly. I gasped.“But… How? What? I don’t know you… You don’t know me!” I struggled to say something. My mind is a complete blank. I stood there, staring at him and wondering if he‘s a nutter. Someone who escaped from the psychiatric hospital. I take a good look of him. He is tall, around 6 foot 2… and he has short black hair that is styled in a messy way. It suits him, I thought as I bite my lip. Then I looked into his eyes, he has a very warm chocolate eyes. Like buttery warm…“You’re mine, understand?” He asked me. No… he TOLD me. From the tone of his voice, he was demanding. I was ripped from gazing at his handsome face. Of course I scowled.“No.. No! Are you crazy? I’m not a piece of meat that you can claim. Now get off of my property!” I slammed the door in his face. My breathing is erratic. I never slammed in someone’s face before. Is that a growl I hear? My heart pounded. I turned around and look in the peep hole, but this man was nowhere to be found. Good…. Right?.oOo.It was night time when I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. It was too small, it just barely covered my body. I feel a chill, my skin is now covered with goose bumps. I gave a shudder as I rubbed myself roughly with the towel, drying my body. Then I put my thick cotton socks on, along with an old pair of jog pants and a simple vest top. I take a look of myself as I pull my long brown hair up and tied in a messy bun. My bluey-green eyes looked too wide today. Like I’m aware of everything now. Was it because of the guy? Does he scare me? Possibly. I sighed after the thought of the guy, he is quite hot but Küçükköy escort bayan he’s sick. Mental ill. I should probably read the local paper to see if there had been news about an escaped mental person. Oh well, he’s gone now. I double check the lock of my front and back doors.Turning into my bed, my big comfy bed. I love it. It’s a queen sized. Fit for a queen. The thought made me giggle. Shaking my head, I pick up my book and start to read. Three long chapters later, the book felt heavy in my hands so I let it drop and drift off to sleep. Soon I dream of his warm buttery chocolate eyes.It wasn’t morning when I woke up, jerking out of my heavy sleep. What? My heart is pounding heavily. Oh I left the lamp on. The air is cold. Too cold. Shit I left the window open. I move to close it but I can’t move. What? I try again but something held me back. My hands… Shit. They are tied to my metal headboard. No… they are handcuffed. What… I stare at them with confusion. I snap out of my shocked state and look around my large room. My body jumps with a fright. There’s a large silhouette by my bathroom door. He seems to be wearing a hooded jacket and a pair of jogging pants.“Who are you?” I tried to shout but my sleepy voice prevented me from doing it. I cleared my throat.A shushing noise occurred. He was shushing me. What! The bastard…“Who are you?” I ask again, shouting loudly and panicking. I keep pulling on my hands, wincing as the metal dug into my skin painfully causing me to yelp.The man was closer to me, he examined my wrists with a frown. The light from the nightstand lamp shone on his face. I could see his face now. It’s the mental man. The one who wanted to ‘claim’ me. Crap.“You.” I breathed as fury grew inside of me.“Yes, me. Now don’t hurt yourself, Miss Grey.” His voice was smooth like before. My lips are suddenly dry so I lick them before taking a deep breath as I try to calm myself. Wait, how did he Escort Mecidiyeköy know my name?“How did you know my name? Free me please,” I ask with a stern tone.“No.” He simply told me and reached into his pocket, taking something out of it and brought it closer to my face. Of course, I panicked. I flinched away from his hands and saw the item in his hand. It was a ball gag. He quickly put it on me and secured it around my head. I tried to shout at him but I was unable to talk, the ball was in my mouth for goodness sake. I try again but only muffled noises came out. I scowl at him with frustration.“You talk too much but I promise you we will work on it,” he told me, stroking my blushing cheek. He yanked the duvet off of me and it was when I realised that I’m fully naked. When did he do this? What the heck?“Baby girl, you look so fine.” His finger circled around my navel. My body jerked from his touch and whimpered loudly. Why was this turning me on?“Ssshh. Don’t be afraid, Roxanne. I know you like me. You have been talking about me in your sleep. Go on… Admit it. You like me.” The handsome man smirked, pushing a single strand of my hair behind my ear while I gave him are-you-stupid look. How am I supposed to answer him, he bloody gagged me. Wait, I talk in my sleep?He gave a throaty chuckle. “Just nod or shake your head.” His eyes stared at me with such intensity it left me panting for a minute. I slowly shake my head.“Hmm… I’m disappointed but this means I have to force it out of you. The truth.” He said, moving sharply off of my bed and went to the end of my bed. He bent down as if he’s retrieving something. What is he getting? Oh god, what is he going to do to me? Why am I wet?I begin to squirm, taking another look of my restrained hands and saw red welts on my wrists. They were pretty sore. A cleared throat caught my attention, eyes back on the guy. He was looking at me and he is holding a metal bar. Merter escort I frowned at it, what is it? It looked strange.The man grabbed my left ankle. I let out a squeal and gasped. He is too strong, I can’t yank my ankle out of his grip. I squint at him, he does have pretty big arms. He must work out. Hmm I wonder what is his body like. I bit my lip with curiosity but back to reality, what is he doing with my ankle? He strapped a leather cuff around my ankle and moved on to my right ankle where he also strapped. The cuffs were linked with a metal bar. It was preventing me from closing my legs. Oh… I feel so… I don’t know.This guy twisted the bar and moved it, making the bar longer… it was widening my legs open. What! My body began to squirm again, his eyes were on my face. He looked amused. My chest is heaving. I’ve never felt so exposed to anyone before… and this feels so hot. I closed my eyes for a second, then I felt something touch on my apex of my thighs. I gasped, opening my eyes immediately after the touch.“I see you are wet. Extremely wet.” He grinned, giving me a wink and licked his finger. I almost convulsed on the spot, letting out a small groan. The man chuckled, unzipping his jacket and shrugging it off of his shoulders. My eyes widened at the sight. Is he stripping his clothes off? I began to get excited. He shook his head as if he reads my mind and chuckled again. He bent down again to retrieve something. I hear a rustling sound. I test my body again, finding it hard and unable to close my legs. I frowned at this. Is this a dream?The guy stood up again but he’s hidden something behind his back, my eyes were glued onto his eyes. He mouths something at me. Close your eyes. I shake my head. The guy looked irritated and then he slaps my inner thighs as I bit into the ball gag with a short scream.“Close your eyes now!” he demanded. I had no choice but to close them. Okay… I can’t see but I can hear. He paddled around my room and I could feel something press into the mattress beside my naked body. My body shivered from the cool air. He obviously noticed this as he closes the window. So thoughtful. I scoffed to myself. Then I hear a humming sound. What is that? My head tilted toward the noise.It was pressed into my hot core, on my hooded nub.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32